
Notifications in oioioi

To provide a user with an instant notification about some event, we use an enriched Django logging mechanism.

A notification handler processes all incoming logs and analyzes an extra dictionary passed alongside the log, looking for a notification key.

If the value of the notification key is set and equal to the name of one of the registered notification types, the notification is processed by its own handler.

Notification handlers are functions, which analyze logs and notify interested users about the log events. The handlers have to be registered for each notification type in a file named in an app.

Adding new notifications

class oioioi.base.notification.NotificationHandler(stream=None)[source]

This handler catches all logs and emits a notification if a notification type is set in the extra dictionary, in the log record.

classmethod send_notification(user, notification_type, notification_message, notification_message_arguments)[source]

This function sends a notification to the specified user by sending a message to RabbitMQ.

  • user – User, to whom the notification will be sent.

  • notification_type – A string which describes the notification type.

  • notification_message – A message to show to the notified user, which will be translated by frontend to their language and interpolated using notification_message_arguments. Remember to mark this message to translate, passing it as argument to _() function, so that the message string will be caught to translate.

  • notification_message_arguments

    A map which contains strings to interpolate notification_message and special optional parameters:

    • ”address” – an absolute link

      (starting with http://) to a page related to the notification, where the user can check the details.

    • ”details” – a short information

      for the user about the event.

    • ”popup” – if set the related dropdown will be opened in ui.

classmethod register_notification(notification_type, notification_function)[source]

Register a specific notification handler function for the specified type of notification, that will be executed each time a log with this notification type is processed.

To add a new notification, you should:

  • Check if the file actually exists in your application. If so, you have to modify it, adding the code described below. Otherwise you should create it, remembering that:

    • You don’t want to import django.utils.translation.gettext, as the notification message should be translated into the receiving user’s language, not the sender’s language. Instead, you may want to use gettext_noop function. This allows the external translating program to process these strings, but prevents translating them at a wrong time by the Django translations module.

    • Your file will be automatically processed when the NotificationHandler is loaded - so only when notifications are enabled.

  • Create your own function handling an event, following the example:

    def notification_function_answer(arguments):
        assert hasattr(arguments, 'user') \
                and hasattr(arguments, 'question_instance') \
                and hasattr(arguments, 'answer_instance'), \
                "The log doesn't have user, question_instance" \
                "or answer_instance value in the extra map"
        message = gettext_noop("Your question was answered.")
        message_arguments = {'link': arguments.question_instance
            'question_answered', message, message_arguments)

    For each user to be notified, the function send_notification should be executed.

  • Register it using register_notification() in the body of file.

  • Look into other files for more examples.

Using notifications

When a specified event occurs, a logging event should be called with the notification value set to the name of the notification:'User %s has done something.', some_user,
    extra = {'notification' = 'user_has_done_something',
    'something_id' = something_id})

Additional parameters in the extra map should be specified by the handling function in a file.